Carers Week

Charity helps put carers on the map during Carers Week

Devon Carers is ‘Putting Carers on the Map’ this week as part of an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise their invaluable contribution to society - estimated to save the Devon economy over £2 billion a year!

Devon Carers, a free service by Westbank Community Health and Care, is putting on a host of events to celebrate...

Westbank raises awareness of Devon’s army of unpaid carers in Carers Week

In response to this year’s Carers Week (5th -11th June) theme ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community’, the organisation that supports thousands of unpaid carers across Devon is highlighting the invaluable role carers undertake, which saves the NHS and Social Care organisations across the county an estimated £2.324 billion a year!

Around 75,000 adults provide care for a...

The caring face of politics?

The Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Ed Davey MP, and the party’s by-election candidate for Tiverton & Honiton, Richard Foord, have met with unpaid carers in the constituency at an event organised by Devon Carers to mark Carers Week. Devon Carers is a service provided by the charity Westbank Community Health and Care, based at Exminster, near Exeter.

Sir Ed Davey, who’s been a...

Young carer Charley Hockridge presents her cheque for over £1,000 to support young carers in North D

Devon Young Carer Charley reaches new heights to help children who look after family members

A young carer who completed a sponsored skydive to raise money for young carers in North Devon has presented them with a cheque for over one thousand pounds to fund activities, trips and get-togethers.

Charley Hockridge, a former student at Barnstaple’s Pilton Community College, is a volunteer for Devon Young Carers - a service provided by the charity Westbank that’s helped Charley...

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw walks A Mile with a Smile to raise awareness of Devon's unpaid carers

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw walks A Mile with a Smile to raise awareness of Devon's unpaid carers

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw has been striding through Westminster - walking A Mile with a Smile - to help raise awareness of the everyday challenges faced by unpaid carers and the enormous contribution they make to families and communities throughout Devon.

It’s the first time Ben has taken part in the awareness raising event organised by Devon Carers, which was started during Carers Week...

Devon County Council is ‘making caring vsible and valued’ this Carers Week

New figures suggest that there are now more than 130,000 people in Devon who are carers, the figure having risen by half again because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Worryingly though, just 21,000 of that number – roughly only one in every six – are accessing vital information and support that is available to them. 

This week is Carers Week, and Devon County Council, NHS Devon...

Events across the county to celebrate Carers Week 2018

Carers are being encouraged to stay healthy and connected through a number of events planned across the county next week to mark national Carers Week.

People, of any age, who help a relative or a friend without payment are often unaware that there is support available for them in their caring role. As a consequence, many let a health problem go untreated, or they can feel isolated from...

Carers Hub and local community come together for Carers Week

Carers Week is an annual awareness campaign which takes place to celebrate and recognise the vital contribution made by the UK’s 6.5 million carers. It is also a time of intensive local activity with thousands of events planned for carers across the UK.

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health...

Carers Week events in Plymouth

Carers in Plymouth are being celebrated with a week of events to mark Carers Week 2015 (8 – 14 June).

In Plymouth there are an estimated 27,000 unpaid carers, and nationally it is thought that unpaid carers save health and social care services around £120 billion per year. Around 42 per cent of unpaid carers do this for more than 20 hours per week and many carers are children.


Local fire and rescue service reaches out to local carers

Carers Week 2013 takes place from 10 to 16 June. With over 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK (that’s 1 in every 8 adults), this year the focus is on how the UK’s current carer population is coping and whether the wider population is prepared for future caring responsibilities.

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service is reaching out to local carers and reminding them that help...
