
Dementia activist praises carers and tells them: 'You matter'

Over the past couple of years I have been advocating for families living with dementia in addition to leading the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance.

I have witnessed family carers on their knees at crisis point, desperate, isolated with overwhelming feelings of helplessness.

At times I have felt useless, but having immersed myself into the world of dementia over the past...

What to do when a vulnerable person goes missing

What can you do when a vulnerable person goes missing?

“Over the past decade, I have heard so many stories of vulnerable people going missing, particularly those living with dementia. Many people have been found, but for some the consequences were tragic.

"Last week Eric went to collect a chinese takeaway for himself and Margaret his wife, who was in the car right outside....

Devon charity celebrates 25 years of supporting unpaid carers

Devon Carers, a free service by Westbank Community Health and Care, is this month celebrating 25 years of supporting unpaid carers across the county and is planning several events throughout the coming year as part of its landmark anniversary.

The charity provides a wide range of support services to those who look after family members or friends because they are ill, frail, or have a...

Westbank raises awareness of Devon’s army of unpaid carers in Carers Week

In response to this year’s Carers Week (5th -11th June) theme ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community’, the organisation that supports thousands of unpaid carers across Devon is highlighting the invaluable role carers undertake, which saves the NHS and Social Care organisations across the county an estimated £2.324 billion a year!

Around 75,000 adults provide care for a...

Devon charity's free Advice Fair for unpaid carers on Carers Rights Day

In Devon, approximately 135,000 people look after someone who couldn’t manage without their help and receive no payment for it. Some are new to caring, while others have cared for a family member, friend or neighbour for some time. It’s an invaluable role but carers often feel alone or unsupported, particularly in light of the current cost-of-living crisis.

Devon Carers, part of...

Councils Work Together to Support Unpaid Carers at Mid Devon Leisure Centres

Mid Devon District Council has teamed up with Devon County Council to support unpaid carers – people who voluntarily provide care to a loved one or friend – to access free leisure services in the district.

The two Councils are piloting a new scheme to provide free access for unpaid, adult carers to the three Mid Devon leisure centres, to encourage them to stay active.


Unpaid carers given free access to leisure centres to help with cost of living pressures

Many unpaid carers – people who voluntarily provide care to a loved one or friend – are not looking after their own health and wellbeing, as a consequence of rising costs of living, warns Devon County Council.

Unpaid carers have told the council that they are having to prioritise their spending, and many are choosing not to spend on exercise or activities away from their caring roles...

Cost of living crisis pushes thousands of Devon’s unpaid carers deeper into financial hardship and poverty

Thousands of unpaid family carers across Devon, who were already experiencing financial hardship after having to give up paid work to perform their caring role, are being pushed deeper into debt and poverty, according to Devon Carers. Devon Carers is a service provided by local charity Westbank Community Health and Care, based at Exminster, near Exeter.

Even before the pandemic, a...

The caring face of politics?

The Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Ed Davey MP, and the party’s by-election candidate for Tiverton & Honiton, Richard Foord, have met with unpaid carers in the constituency at an event organised by Devon Carers to mark Carers Week. Devon Carers is a service provided by the charity Westbank Community Health and Care, based at Exminster, near Exeter.

Sir Ed Davey, who’s been a...

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw walks A Mile with a Smile to raise awareness of Devon's unpaid carers

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw walks A Mile with a Smile to raise awareness of Devon's unpaid carers

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw has been striding through Westminster - walking A Mile with a Smile - to help raise awareness of the everyday challenges faced by unpaid carers and the enormous contribution they make to families and communities throughout Devon.

It’s the first time Ben has taken part in the awareness raising event organised by Devon Carers, which was started during Carers Week...
