
Newly formed Hair in the Community kickstarts its unique barbering school with two sisters from St Petrock's

Hair at the Academy (HATA) announces its newly formed sister organisation ‘Hair in the Community CIC’ (HITC) a not-for-profit social enterprise, has kickstarted its free Community School of Barbering by taking on two sisters from St Petrock’s.

HITC has worked closely with St Petrock’s, an Exeter-based charity working on behalf of people experiencing homelessness, by providing free...

Urgent call for volunteers in South Devon with a spare room to host young people at risk of homelessness

Emergency accommodation service Nightstop urgently needs volunteers in South Devon so they can continue to be there for young people who are at risk of sleeping rough.

In 2023, trained and vetted volunteer hosts across South Devon provided more than 200 safe nights of accommodation to young people at risk of homelessness.

The service relies on the kindness of volunteers with...

Hair at the Academy shines a spotlight of hope for Exeter’s homeless community

Exeter-based Hair at The Academy (HATA) is making waves of positive change for those who need it most. They will shine a spotlight on supporting people experiencing homelessness in the city with their remarkable work in the community by extending their free education provision to empower those most in need.

Following the resounding success of their pilot projects where they ran...

homeless man, nameless, unidentified

Rowcroft Hospice steps up support to homeless people in South Devon

Following recent figures from the UK charity Shelter that found that more than 3,800 people were recorded as homeless in Devon and Cornwall, Rowcroft Hospice has launched a new project to support homeless communities across South Devon. Funded by the Masonic Charitable Foundation, the project is a collaborative initiate, working in partnership with other charities and organisations who are...

Housing association partners with social enterprise to help prevent homelessness

Sovereign Housing Association is teaming up with social enterprise Your Own Place (YOP) to run a free programme to help people who weren’t successful in securing a Sovereign home overcome barriers and secure a place to live.

As the cost-of-living crisis makes it harder for people to pay rent, Sovereign is joining forces to provide more support to those in need.


£500k grant will help tackle rough sleeping in East Devon

A grant for more than half a million pounds has been awarded to help tackle rough sleeping across East Devon has been.

East Devon District Council (EDDC) has successfully bid for funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities through the Rough Sleeper Initiative.

A total of £568,074 has been given to the district to tackle rough sleeping and contribute...

Animal welfare crisis looms as Plymouth lockdown eases

A Plymouth animal charity is bracing itself for an unwanted pet crisis as lockdown restrictions ease this month.

Woodside Animal Welfare Trust has seen the number of animals in its care climb from 145 to 190 since the Covid-19 outbreak.

Now the Sanctuary, at Elfordleigh, on the edge of Plympton, fears it will struggle to cope in the coming weeks and months, as lockdown eases...

Thousands of meals donated by Plymouth Tesco shoppers this Christmas

Thousands of meals have been donated to food banks and groups feeding people, thanks to the generosity of Tesco’s Plymouth shoppers, figures released today reveal.

Plymouth shoppers donated 14,062 meals as part of the overall total of 2.5 million meals donated to charities the Trussell Trust and FareShare by shoppers during last month’s Tesco Food Collection, with Tesco topping up...

Wyatt Brothers’ Christmas gift to Shekinah is a welcome boost for rough sleepers

Rough sleepers in Plymouth will be getting some hot food and Christmas treats from city charity Shekinah over the festive period, with the help of a donation from local family firm, Wyatt Brothers Independent Funeral Directors.

The cheque for £250, which is part of ongoing sponsorship by the Stonehouse-based firm, comes as the number of people sleeping rough and in insecure...

RICS pledges to help end youth homelessness in SW

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has launched a campaign with property industry charity LandAid* to raise over £2 million in the biggest ever fundraising campaign for the charity. The funds will contribute to ending youth homelessness across the South West and will provide secure and affordable bed spaces in the region.

As part of RICS’ 150th anniversary in 2018, the...
