hearing test

Never Gonna Run Around with Dessert Spoons: Rick Astley re-records classic song with wrong lyrics to get the people talking about hearing loss

RICK Astley has urged people in Plymouth to avoid the embarrassment of mishearing lyrics by having regular audiology tests.

This comes as the music legend has linked up with Specsavers to re-record his iconic hit single Never Gonna Give You Up using lyrics people have misheard for years – including “you wouldn’t catch nits from any other guy” and “your aunt’s been naked”.


Sidmouth gets state-of-the-art Hearcare service

A PARTNERSHIP between Beacon Medical Practice and Specsavers Hearcare has been launched to bring the latest audiology technology to Sidmouth people.

Hearcare staff from the Specsavers Exeter store have linked with the centre to provide vital hearing assessments, hearing protection consultations and ear-health checks.

A member of the Specsavers staff is visiting the centre...