Sale raises funds for Derriford patients

Authored by Mary
Posted: Monday, April 20, 2015 - 09:19

Volunteers Robin Younge and Elizabeth Taylor run a table top sale every Tuesday between 8.30am–12.30pm, in the Main Outpatients Department at Derriford Hospital, which raises funds for The Plymouth and District Leukaemia Fund.

Since setting up the table in 2006, a total of £26,000.00 has been raised for the charity, with members of the public donating items to sell, including knitted items, costume jewellery, toys and much more.

Robin said: “We are always extremely grateful for donations from the public. If there are any small items that anyone would like donate, please come and see us on a Tuesday.”

Steve Collings, Matron for Oncology & Blood Services said: ““I would like to thank Robin and Elizabeth for raising such a significant amount of money for The Plymouth and District Leukaemia Fund.

“This money makes such a difference to the patients using the facilities and to the quality of service that we provide. It also provides us with excellent funds that are used for training and to help patients have a more comfortable and overall better experience.”

The Plymouth and District Leukaemia Fund was set up in 1983 with the aim of raising money to provide more comprehensive care locally for people with leukaemia and other blood disorders.

The charity have so far raised over £1.5 million and have greatly contributed to the opening of the Haematology Unit at Derriford Hospital, assisted in the purchase of six special isolation rooms that reduce the risk of infection for patients receiving bone marrow and stem cell transplants, set up a bone marrow processing laboratory and much more.
