
Local children taking part in sunflower growing competition

A group of children from Dartmouth Academy, part of Education South West , are taking part in a sunflower growing competition with other local schools.

This term, the pupils have grown sunflower plants from seeds up at the school and now they have planted them out at Coronation Park in the town alongside their competitors. Once they have had time to grow and bloom, the sunflowers...

Harbour House supports pupils by funding after-school arts club

A group of pupils from Kingsbridge Primary School, part of Education South West , have recently had their directorial debut with a film screening at local arts and wellbeing centre, Harbour House.

The film named ‘The Fateful Feast at Castle Froglington’ was shown to staff from the school and families of the children at the school earlier this month. The children have dubbed their...

The new ROC facility will provide students with a 360 degree view offering a real-life like environment.

Seas the future: South Devon College initiative merges tech with marine training

In a significant stride towards decarbonising maritime operations, a business-led consortium, comprising South Devon College, HydroSurv, and BMT is set to collaborate on a cutting-edge uncrewed vessel technology project in Devon.

Dubbed Roc + Dock, the project will see Hydrosurv develop advanced, automated docking stations for the wireless deployment, recovery and charging of zero...

Plymouth High continues to be Good with ‘welcoming community’ says Ofsted

Ofsted has said pupils at Plymouth High School for Girls are 'proud to attend the school', which is a 'welcoming community' with an 'effective personal development curriculum' where ‘pupils achieve well’.

The school and Sixth Form, which is a proud member of the Thinking Schools Academy Trust, was inspected in April 2024 and continues to be ‘Good’ in all areas of Ofsted’s criteria...

Teign School achieves the School Games Gold Mark Award

Kingsteignton school nationally recognised for outstanding practice by Youth Sport Trust.

Students and staff at Teign School in Kingsteignton, part of Education South West , are celebrating as the school has achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award.

The School Games Mark is a government-led award scheme which launched in 2012. It is facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to...

Teign School student Mental Health Ambassadors receive NHS training

Students from Teign School in Kingsteignton, part of Education South West , are marking Mental Health Awareness Week by celebrating the work of their Mental Health Ambassadors.

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from the 13th to the 19th of May and ‘Movement: Moving for our mental health’ is this year’s theme. Since 2001, the Mental Health Foundation has been leading Mental Health...

Paignton Sports Hub celebrates much anticipated restoration of community basketball hoops

In a heartening victory for local sports enthusiasts, Paignton Sports Hub has successfully restored its basketball hoops, thanks to a grant from Active Devon.

Paignton Sports Hub on Waterleat Road provides Paignton Academy students and the wider community with 16 courts for badminton, basketball, netball, football and gymnastics. It is the only multi-court site available in Torbay...

Personal Growth: The Overlooked Possibilities

Do you feel that your only path to realizing your full potential is to get a (another) college degree? Free yourself from that old way of thinking. Personal growth doesn't just happen in a classroom. It is in every skill you acquire, every obstacle you overcome, and every idea you explore.

With online learning at your fingertips, you can follow your dreams in any way you want. Choose...

Children’s home designs go on display at Fox Mill Gardens

Artwork by pupils at Willand School has been put on display at Bellway’s Fox Mill Gardens development in the village.

The children, aged between four and nine, took part in an art competition organised by Bellway in which they were asked to design their dream home.

Participating children were invited to see their work on display.

Prizes were presented to each of the...

Marland School congratulated for 'outstanding' Ofsted

Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for services that support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, (SEND), Councillor Lois Samuel, has congratulated Marland School for achieving an ‘outstanding’ grade following a recent Ofsted inspection.

Marland School, in Torrington, is part of a foundation trust of other special schools and provides...

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