Service of Remembrance

Never Out of Mind service of remembrance

A service of remembrance is being held to remember and honour all those who have given their lives in public duty.

Being organised by the Honiton based charity, The Bastion Baton Trust - known as ‘The Baton', the occasion will include a role call, lighting of candles and time for quiet reflection of those who are loved and lost.

It will be held at East Devon Crematorium on...

Special Service of Remembrance to be held at Derriford Hospital

There will be a special service of remembrance for parents who have experienced bereavement through the loss of a pregnancy or death of a baby. The service will take place on Sunday 6 October at 2pm and will be held in the chapel on level seven at Derriford Hospital. The Chapel will be also be open from 1.00pm for the opportunity to meet other parents and talk things over with a chaplain, as...