awards ceremony

You're Hired! In search of Plymouth's most employable 17-year-old

The final of Plymouth’s ‘You're Hired!’ will take place today and tomorrow in the Roland Levinsky Building at the University of Plymouth.

The concept of ‘You're Hired!’ is to find Plymouth’s most employable 17-year-old sixth-former. In order to get to these final stages, 11 city sixth forms each staged one of the heats and students competed in two of the challenges provided...

Plymouth hospitals' awards night celebrates staff excellence

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust held a spectacular Celebrations Ball and Awards Ceremony at Plymouth Pavilions on Friday 7 June 2013.

The event highlighted the achievements and commitments of staff and announced nominations and winners in a number of award categories.

The Trust said: "Our shortlisted stars, nominated by their colleagues and patients for their outstanding...