Devon pair break world record for rowing around Britain
Two Devon men who have spent the last 26 days rowing 2,000 miles non-stop around Britain, set a new world record when they reached Tower Bridge today (Friday 12 July).
Jason McKinlay and Josh Tarr, from Salcombe, Devon knocked 11 days off the existing world record when they came home after 41 days four hours and 38 minutes at sea in a rowing boat no bigger than a family saloon.
On June 1, six boats set off from Tower Bridge to race around Britain’s mainland.
By the end of the first week, when the race reached Land’s End, four crews had abandoned the race, mainly due to mechanical problems caused by rough seas.
The only two boats left racing were a four-man team, the Islanders, as well as Jason and Josh, who are known as Team Savoir Faire.
The four-man crew finished two weeks ago, setting a new world record of 26 days for the epic 2,000-mile non-stop race, the world’s toughest rowing race.
Despite having just two rowers, Jason and Josh have managed to complete the epic journey in under six weeks, living in a boat no bigger than a family saloon.
They braved storms and huge waves in the Irish Sea and were pinned down by bad weather for several days in the north of Scotland.
When they returned to Tower Bridge after nearly six weeks at sea, the two-man crew were met by family and well wishers at the Royal Naval Reserve base, HMS President.
Chris Usborne, race director of GBRow 2013, said: “After battling challenging weather and tidal conditions, Savoir Faire are enjoying excellent weather on their final lap of GBRow 2013. In a measured and very professional row, they have smashed the current world record by 20per cent to become new World Record holders and finish the toughest rowing race in the world.”
Will de Laszlo, race President and skipper of the crew that set the previous world record in 2005 said: “It was an epic effort. Massive congratulations to the record-breaking team. I’m incredibly proud to be involved in an event that hopefully will inspire other people achieve great things.”