Hospital directors shortlisted for NHS Leadership Awards

Authored by Mary
Posted: Friday, November 22, 2013 - 16:56

We are delighted that three directors at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust have been shortlisted for two awards at this year’s NHS Leadership Recognition Awards, which are run by the NHS Leadership Academy.

Our Director of Nursing and Associate Director of Nursing/Head of Midwifery will be going head to head for the NHS Inspirational Leader Award.

Sue Stock, Associate Director of Nursing and Head of Midwifery, was nominated by colleagues within the maternity department because they believe Sue is a supportive “hands on” leader who puts the patient at the centre of her plans for the service. Sue has injected positivity into the department and made fantastic changes for the staff she leads.

Sue said of her nomination: “To be nominated by staff who thus clearly understand what you are aiming to achieve and support you on that journey; I am so lucky to work with a team who are embracing a time of change and are as keen as I am to see service progression.”

Greg Dix, Director of Nursing was nominated by his executive colleagues who praised him for being an inspirational leader who deserves recognition for his positive approach to high quality patient care, employee engagement and quality governance.

As well as leading the nursing body, the largest single profession in the Trust, Greg still works as a nurse on our wards every week.

Greg said: “It is such a surprise and absolute delight to be nominated for the award of NHS Inspirational Leader of the Year. It is an honour to be shortlisted among such deserving colleagues, all contributing to leadership across the NHS during the challenging times we all face.

“I am proud to work at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and provide leadership to the nursing, midwifery and allied healthcare professional teams, to ensure we provide optimum quality, safety and ultimately enhance the experience of our patients, their families and carers.”

Joe Teape, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Finance has been nominated for the NHS Leadership Development Champion. Joe was nominated for the award by an executive colleague.

In June 2012, Joe stepped out of his role as Director of Finance to develop a Clinical Strategy for Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust with staff. This involved widespread engagement with the hospital clinicians.

Speaking of his nomination, Joe said: “When I learnt of my nomination I was at first embarrassed, as the work I did was truly led by many of the hospital clinicians who moved from a position of initial scepticism to one of being enthused and excited about the opportunity to reevaluate and truly lead their services.

“They showed deep insight and understanding of the workings and the shortcomings of their services and a real desire and passion to lead improvement and for that reason alone, they deserve recognition.”

Ann James, Chief Executive of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “It is fantastic that three of our leaders have been shortlisted for these prestigious awards. It is a true testament to their hard work and dedication to providing high-quality and safe services to our patients.”

The awards will be held on Friday 22 November 2013 at The Brunel’s Old Station, Bristol.
