Chair and Vice-Chair for North Devon Council are elected
Following a council meeting held on Wednesday, 27 March, the members of North Devon Council have elected Councillor Helen Walker as the Chair, alongside Councillor David Worden as Vice-Chair.
Following her election, North Devon Council Chair, Cllr Walker says: “I am deeply honoured to have been elected as Chair of North Devon Council. My heartfelt thanks go out to all council members for their trust and support.
“Cllr Worden, I look forward to working alongside you to address the challenges and opportunities facing our district."
Following his election, North Devon Council Vice-Chair, Cllr Worden, says: "I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve as Vice-Chair of North Devon Council. I am committed to offering my full support to Chair Cllr Walker, ensuring we work together seamlessly to serve our community with dedication and effectiveness."
In a heartfelt gesture marking the conclusion of her tenure, Cllr Julie Hunt, who served as Chair for three years, presented cheques totalling £5,196 which was evenly split between the North Devon Hospice and Royal Devon Hospitals Charity. These contributions stem from the Chair's charity ball held in February.
Reflecting on her final act as Chair, Cllr Hunt says: "As my tenure as chair draws to a close, reflecting on my Valentines Ball charity fundraiser fills me with immense gratitude. The generosity shown, in support of North Devon Hospice and Royal Devon Hospitals Charity, embodies the spirit of compassion and solidarity. Through my journey as Chair, I've embraced invaluable lessons in perseverance, patience, empathy, and kindness. To all who stood by me, your unwavering support has been the cornerstone of our achievements. I extend my deepest appreciation to each one of you. Together, we've made a difference. It has been an honour to serve.”
Looking ahead, Cllr Hunt extended her best wishes to Cllr Walker, expressing confidence in her ability to excel in her new role.
For information on the role and functions of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair,please visit the council's website.