3 Reasons Why Buying a New Build Isn’t a Bad Idea

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 20:21

Purchasing a new build property can understandably make one nervous. Homes are being snatched up quickly, and it’s often the case that new builds are the last and slowest to go.

Some buyers have faced problems with their freshly constructed homes, footing enormous bills to cover the costs of repairs. Still, problems can surface in all walks of life if one isn’t careful enough, so it’s unfair to tarnish all new builds, or their developers, with the same brush.

Buying a new build home can be an excellent opportunity if you have the right mindset and approach. Here are some assurances to help you realise it’s not such a bad idea after all.

You’re the Very First

Many people can mistreat their property as they do other things in their life. The list of problems caused by neglect is almost endless. Moreover, not all cases of property neglect are done with ill intent either, as homeowners can have a host of issues that prevent them from looking after their homes. Money is tight, mental well-being is suffering, and others are burdened by physical limitations too.

If you buy a home that even just one other person has lived in, you may essentially be inheriting a property that has a history of problems. Therefore, buying a new build means having a blank canvas to work with. You can make it truly yours. 

Obviously, there’s no onward chain to work with either. Waiting for your seller to buy their home or sign their paperwork can be a chore in and of itself, so buying a new build can help you dodge those frustrations.

There’s Likely a New Build Warranty in Place

It’s not a legal requirement for developers to take out a structural warranty on the properties they build. However, reputable ones will. After all, nearly all lenders do insist on this type of coverage.

You can also find new build warranties and more yourself before looking to buy. Work with specialist brokers to source the most competitive building warranty insurance quotes available that will lead to savings and protection against structural faults. If any are detected, the insurance company should cover the costs of repairs and leave you and the builder in a better position than you would be otherwise. Even complete reconstructions can be covered too.

Of course, you should expect a quality build, but an extra safety net is always good. Knowing that even worst-case scenarios won’t hinder you for long can give you peace of mind.

Functional Perks

Structural quality in new builds amounts to more than assurances they won’t collapse. These types of property are typically imbued with a lengthy list of perks.

There’s a cost of living crisis going on as the price of energy climbs, but new builds can feature better insulation. Older homes may have cracks and crevices in their very bones that let drafts through, but new builds don’t (unless there has been a problem a warranty can soon resolve).

New build homes may also have smart meters and more energy-efficient appliances and boilers installed. There are other perks to note, but the general point is that new builds are often crafted with an innovative eye, with the future in mind.