Winning Christmas card design at Plympton Academy

Authored by ClareG
Posted: Saturday, December 22, 2018 - 13:41

The wait is over – the winner of the Plympton Academy Christmas card design was announced on the last day of term.

Year 10 student, Katie Connell, won with her modern photo of a bauble on a tree.

Katie, who is studying GCSE Photography, was up against 30 other entrants. The judges chose her design because they felt it captured the essence of Christmas in a contemporary way. The design has been used as this year’s official Academy Christmas card.

“I was happy and proud that my picture was chosen and very surprised,” said Katie. “I was inspired by my sister who had done something similar a few years ago so I used my Christmas tree which is in my room.”

Katie was presented with her prize at the end of tern celebration ceremony.