5 ways to directly connect to your customers

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 22:01

With today’s current technology, connecting with customers has never been easier! Establishing a connection between business and customer is as simple as facetime, virtual meetings, or email.

Social media is now one of the easiest and most attractive ways for customers to interact with companies and stay up-to-date with their products while also leaving their comments and concerns about the business.

Although having social media channels and a website with contact info doesn’t mean that customers feel connected with a company. Customers want to feel rewarded for their loyal support, and with these 5 effective methods, your business will make priceless connections with new and existing clients.

Offer 5-star Service

The level of customer service is what sets a great company apart from a mediocre company!

It is an absolute necessity for long term success, and with so many channels available nowadays to get in touch with a company, the customer support teams have to be the best-in-class at supporting, interacting, and answering customers in a timely manner while assisting them with their needs.

Calling existing customers to see if they are enjoying the products and offering new products at promotional discount rates is an effective way to understand more about your customer's needs while also selling new merch.

Outsourcing is also another great solution for impeccable customer service. Outsourcing companies like CX Services take care of all in-bound and out-bound calls, while also having live-chat and other services available to fit every business's needs.

Face-to-Face Interacting

Talking in person at an office is by far the more convenient way to learn more about a client than over the phone, and it also gives a potential customer more confidence to buy a product with that company.

Calling a customer to schedule a meeting at a branch office or scheduling a facetime meeting through Google or other apps is an effective way to get in touch with your customer's needs.

Have A Social Media Presence

Being involved in social media is a must in today’s world, where every company is reviewed and talked about on every media channel available by their respective clients.

Many shoppers check to see how quick a company's social media support team responds to an enquiry before they even bother to purchase goods from them. Customers expect a response within 24 hours of first contact regarding any issue.

It is also important for a business to have a social media management team for promoting products and interacting with client comments on posts and stories while addressing and resolving negative or positive comments as soon as they arise.

Show Appreciation

A great way to honour clients is by offering promotions only existing clients are entitled to and rewards they can use. Recommending products based on their interests with special discounts will give the feeling of being valued, which is what every customer wants.

Another simple but effective way to directly connect with your customers and show appreciation is by offering invitational rewards, like cash invites. For example, every person that a customer invites to purchase a service or product through them gets a cash reward.

Keep Customers Updated

Whether it’s a blog post, a new product, company news, or a new promotion, it’s imperative existing and potential new customers are kept in the loop.

With mobile devices, the task of letting customers know about your business becomes much easier thanks to push notifications on apps, newsletters that get sent to clients emails every week, and social media posts every day.