4 Smart Additions You Should Get For Your New Car

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted: Friday, August 4, 2023 - 01:36

Basking in the satisfaction of buying a new car, aren’t you? The fresh scent of the interior, the gleaming dashboard, and the shiny, untouched exterior - it’s a delightful feeling! But did you know you can further enhance your automotive experience with some smart additions? We’re not talking about mere decorations, but advanced, practical tools that can upgrade your safety, efficiency, and overall driving pleasure.

High-tech Dashcams

Think of dashcams as your silent observers, quietly recording everything that happens on the road. No, they’re not there just to record epic journeys or spectacular sunsets. They serve a much more practical purpose. Picture this: you’re in a fender bender and the other driver denies any fault. Your high-tech dashcam provides evidence, saving you from a potentially expensive and stressful situation.

These handy devices come in various shapes and sizes, and they can record in high definition, even in low-light conditions. Some of them also include features such as motion detection and emergency recording. All this technology works in concert to provide a clear and detailed record of any incidents that might occur during your journeys.

A Reliable GPS Tracker

Knowing your car’s location at all times may sound like overkill, but it’s a feature that offers peace of mind and an extra layer of security. With the rise in vehicular theft and even misplacements in crowded parking lots, a GPS tracking system becomes a smart addition to your vehicle.

The GPS tracker, a small device, can be installed discreetly within your car. It uses global positioning technology to provide real-time updates on your vehicle’s location. There are a few different GPS trackers out there, but you may find it best to purchase one from a specialised security company, to ensure you are getting a quality product. Providers such as Rewire Security have a few different products which you can browse through, meaning you will likely find a suitable solution for your wants and needs.

This isn’t just for emergency scenarios, either. Are you prone to forgetting where you parked at the mall? Just whip out your phone and check the tracker’s app. It’s as simple as that.

Portable Vacuum Cleaner

Keeping your new car clean can be a bit of a chore. From that random fry that slipped between the seats during a quick drive-through meal, to the tiny bits of gravel your shoes track in from the pavement - your pristine new interior can quickly lose its sparkle. Here’s where a portable vacuum cleaner comes in.

Compact and easy to store, a portable vacuum can quickly become your best friend in maintaining your car’s cleanliness. These devices are generally cordless and rechargeable, ensuring convenience and mobility. Plus, their small size allows them to reach those narrow spots between seats and along the edges of your car, where larger household vacuums simply can’t go. They’re a simple but effective solution to keeping your new ride spotless.

Smart Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

Tyre pressure is not just about fuel efficiency; it’s also about safety and prolonging the life of your tyres. But let’s be honest, manually checking tyre pressure can be a tedious task. A smart tyre pressure monitoring system can help.

These systems work by using sensors installed in each tire that continuously monitor and relay tyire pressure data. This information can then be accessed through an associated app on your smartphone, providing you with real-time updates. No more guesswork involved; you’ll know exactly when it’s time to inflate your tyres.