£21,000 seized from criminals given to good causes, Plymouth
During 2024, police teams in Plymouth awarded a total of £21,000 to good causes using money seized from criminals.
The money was given to local charities, groups and projects whose aims include supporting communities, diverting people away from crime and providing wellbeing support to vulnerable people.
Superintendent Phil Williams, who oversees the funding requests said: “Seizing money earned by criminals and using it for good is a great way for the police service to give back to communities.
“I’m pleased that we were able to support a number of important causes last year which all seek to have a positive impact on our city. We will continue our work to support worthwhile causes as we continue into 2025.”
Money is derived from the Devon & Cornwall Police’s Proceeds of Crime Act fund (POCA) and a number of good causes benefitted from the fund in 2024.
£520 was given to Empower, a group that offers women and those who have experienced domestic abuse, workshops to support with their wellbeing. The money was used to fund free spaces for a six-week workshop.
£1,200 was awarded to a theatre group to fund educational performances at a secondary school, educating students about county lines, raising awareness of the issue and what to do if young people find themselves in that situation.
Devon and Cornwall Food Action (DCFA) received £750. DCFA are a charity that work with food producers and supermarkets to redistribute food to those who cannot afford it. The money was used to fund boxes containing food items, toiletries and hygiene products. Police officers were also able to access these boxes to give to people who they engage with when on duty.
Police award POCA funding to causes that make a difference to the lives of people in Plymouth. This can be through reducing or preventing crime and antisocial behaviour (ASB), engaging with vulnerable people, children and hard-to-reach communities, or providing wellbeing support to those in need.
“Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who support the running of the charities and projects. The work you do to engage with communities and create positive change is so valuable. We will continue to support many more causes in 2025,” added Supt Williams.
Devon & Cornwall Police awarded £76,000 of POCA funds to local causes in 2024. If you would like more information about POCA funding, please reach out to your local neighbourhood police team. Type in your postcode to find your closest police station and police team: Your area | Devon & Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk).