Setting the Record Straight on Facelift Myths

Amy Fenton
Authored by Amy Fenton
Posted: Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 12:56

If you're curious about getting a facelift, you may have heard a few eyebrow-raising tales. While the internet is great for sharing information, it’s also terrible for spreading rumours and false stories. Unfortunately, a lot online about this cosmetic surgery is not true. That’s why it’s time to set the record straight and debunk these myths. This way, you can make an informed decision about the surgery. So, let’s take a look at some of the myths you’ll find about facelifts.

Facelifts Make You Look Unnatural

The first myth is all about emerging from surgery looking like a totally different person. Indeed, many claim that you’ll achieve an unnatural result and everybody will know you’ve had surgery. But, this is untrue when you choose a trustworthy and experienced surgeon for the procedure.

The realist is that a facelift can restore a youthful appearance, not rewrite your identity. Modern facelift techniques prioritise natural-looking results. Expert surgeons skillfully lift and reposition facial tissues, smoothing out wrinkles and sagging skin while keeping your unique features intact. You'll see subtle, rejuvenating changes that enhance your natural beauty.

Facelift Results Don’t Last Long

Most people are aware that a facelift is a major surgery. In other words, you will be under a general anaesthetic for the procedure. But, there are many who believe this isn’t worth it because the results don’t last long. In other words, wrinkles and sagging skin come back quickly.

Know that this is not true. The results of a facelift can be long-lasting, and many people can enjoy the initial results for up to 10 years. You just have to be aware that normal ageing takes its toll on your body. Visit to read more about this topic and what you can expect from different facelift types.

Facelifts Are Only for the Elderly

Don't believe the myth that facelifts are strictly reserved for the senior citizens' club. Age is just a number when it comes to cosmetic enhancements. The decision to get a facelift isn't determined solely by your birth year. Modern plastic surgery practices focus on individualised recommendations. Factors like skin elasticity, overall health, and aesthetic goals precede age.

In fact, an increasing number of younger individuals in their 40s and 50s are choosing facelifts as a preventative measure. It's all about maintaining that youthful glow rather than trying to recapture lost time. So, whether you're in your 40s, 50s, or beyond, consult an experienced plastic surgeon to rejuvenate your appearance.

Facelifts Are Extremely Painful

The mere thought of excruciating pain can make anyone think twice about getting a facelift. But hold on, the reality isn't as grim as the myth suggests. While facelift surgery isn't a walk in the park, advances in pain management techniques have made the process significantly more comfortable. Surgeons use a general anaesthetic to perform the procedure. In addition, medication can be given to ensure minimal discomfort after the surgery.

Post-surgery, some patients describe the sensation as tightness rather than pain. There will be swelling and bruising, but it's manageable with prescribed medications and rest. It's not the agony-inducing ordeal some myths make it out to be. Your imagination can run while with this type of surgery. But, it’s still a popular cosmetic procedure that many people handle well.

Facelifts Are Only for Women

Let's address this one right away: facelifts are not gender-exclusive. The notion that it's solely a woman's world is inaccurate. Know that the stigma surrounding male facelifts is gradually fading. More and more men are turning to facelifts to maintain a youthful and refreshed appearance. It's all about looking and feeling your best, regardless of gender.

Some well-known male figures in Hollywood and beyond have openly discussed their facelift experiences, contributing to the normalisation of the procedure for men. So, if you're a guy considering a facelift, you're in good company. This is a cosmetic surgery that’s available for anyone.

Facelifts Require Lengthy Recovery Times

Don't believe the myth that a facelift will have you hiding away for months. The truth about recovery might surprise you. While a facelift does involve a recovery period, it's not the never-ending downtime some myths make it out to be. Modern surgical techniques have significantly shortened recovery times. Indeed, ‘mini facelifts’ are available, which have a faster recovery journey.

Typically, you can expect some swelling and bruising in the days following the procedure. However, most patients can return to normal activities, including work and social engagements, within a few weeks. Some even feel comfortable enough to be out and about sooner than that.

Therefore, advancements in minimally invasive facelift techniques have also contributed to shorter recovery periods. These procedures often involve smaller incisions, less tissue manipulation, and, consequently, less downtime. But, something to know is that strenuous exercise might have to be postponed for a while. This is something that you can ask your surgeon about.

Facelift Scars are Visible

Most people want to have a facelift, but not for everyone to know about it. Unfortunately, there’s a myth that the surgery’s scars will be visible. This often puts people off the procedure since they don’t want to have huge scars that look terrible.

You should know that surgeons do everything they can to hide scars. Most people find that they are very small and are in inconspicuous places. Thus, they are not as visible as everyone makes out. The best thing you can do is consult with a surgeon and ask them to see before and after photos. This is going to give you a better idea of where the scars could be and if they’ll be visible for you.


When considering a facelift, it's crucial to base your decision on accurate information. The key takeaway here is that modern facelifts prioritise natural-looking results, are not age-restricted, are not overwhelmingly painful, are for both men and women, and recovery times are manageable.

If you're contemplating a facelift or any other cosmetic procedure, consulting with an expert plastic surgeon is the first and most crucial step. They can provide you with personalised guidance and address any specific concerns you may have.