Research shows Hemp as one of the best materials for protecting you from the sun

Authored by tomdummer
Posted: Monday, June 19, 2023 - 17:11

It’s not something many people would consider when choosing clothing for their wardrobe, but the material they choose can have an impact on sun protection levels. 

With summer approaching, sustainable fashion brand Thought Clothing were curious as to which of the common summer clothing fabrics was best at offering protection from the sun. The results show that Hemp comes out on top with a UPF rating of 50+, offering the most protection. Polyester comes in with a UPF rating of 30+, Flax coming in third at 15+, and Linen at 5+. 

Before diving into what UPF actually stands for, should you be interested in buying some Hemp clothing for yourself, be sure to take a browse through the collection. 

What does UPF stand for?

UPF stands for Ultraviolet Protection factor, which indicates how much UV radiation (UVB and UVA), is allowed to reach your skin. A higher UPF rating of 40 and greater is considered excellent protection, whereas lower numbers suggest less protection. 

As you can see from these findings, the amount of protection can vary greatly based on the material. If you are going to be exposed to sunlight for longer periods, a higher UPF rating material may be the best option to reduce the chance of sunburn. Just make sure to protect yourself in areas where your body will not be covered by clothing. 

What about the common myths surrounding hemp? 

There are quite a few myths surrounding the use of hemp as a material for garments, however, these facts are actually not true. Keep on reading to discover some of these common myths and how they are not actually true. 

Hemp clothing is scratchy and uncomfortable

Many people assume that hemp fabric is rough and uncomfortable, but this is a myth. Hemp fibres actually soften with wear and washing, making the fabric more comfortable over time. Additionally, hemp can be blended with other materials such as cotton or silk to create a softer, more luxurious feel.

Hemp clothing is expensive

While some high-end hemp clothing brands can be pricey, there are many affordable options available as well. Additionally, because hemp fabric is so durable, it may actually be a more cost-effective option in the long run since it will last longer than other types of clothing.

Hemp clothing is illegal

Many people associate hemp with marijuana and assume that hemp clothing is illegal. However, hemp fabric is made from the fibres of the industrial hemp plant, which contains only trace amounts of THC and is legal to grow and use in many countries.

We hope this research has been beneficial in teaching you some of the best materials to protect you from the sun, that are also sustainable.

All research has been taken from various trusted sources like National Library of Medicine and the Hemp Foundation