How facemasks can improve your sleep

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Monday, March 6, 2023 - 15:50

It’s believed that 6 in 10 people worldwide have trouble sleeping. There are many different factors at play here from habits to lifestyle choices and much more. However, the time you spend just before you go to bed can make a massive difference.

One of the best activities to help you fall asleep and enjoy a quality night’s rest is doing a facemask. Read on to discover how this can improve your sleep.

What does a face mask do?

A face mask is commonly used to help you:

  • Lower the signs of aging
  • Pull impurities out of your skin
  • Enhance the appearance of your pores
  • Remove excess oils
  • Moisturise and hydrate your skin

Not only do face masks offer numerous skincare benefits, but they deliver relaxation benefits too, which we’ll explore further.

Research shows that doing a face mask before bed can ensure a good night’s sleep

Popular online casino Betway recently conducted a study into evening activities that deliver the best night’s sleep. Doing a face mask was unearthed as the second-best activity for good sleep, with meditation taking the top spot.

“Self-care is known to have many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety. Doing a face mask before bed is the second-best activity for good sleep, with an average sleep score of 90% – the highest of all activities. On average, those who applied a face mask before bed slept for seven hours and 15 minutes and were only awake for 14 minutes during the night.”

Skincare rituals are therapeutic and relaxing

Face masks will not only make your skin look and feel radiant and bright, but they can also be incredibly therapeutic.

They tend to be infused with different essential oils, ranging from lavender and lemongrass to rosemary and mint. Essential oils like this can stimulate your senses and lift your spirits.

When you do a face mask just before bed, you’re enjoying an incredible sensory experience, which will relax both your spirit and your mind while leaving your skin looking fresh and youthful.

Choose a face mask with care

If you’re going to make wearing a face mask part of your nightly ritual, you do need to choose a face mask with care.

There are lots of great face masks on the market today, but not all of them are suitable for daily use, so do keep this in mind when selecting. The last thing you want is to use a face mask that will cause irritation and end up stripping your face of the essential moisture it needs.

You also need to consider your skin type too. There are products on the market specifically aimed at different skin types and issues, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding the right one for you!

Put self-care first and do a face mask before bed

So there you have it: doing a face mask is one of the best activities you can enjoy before you go to sleep. This can help you to relax, getting into the calm state you need to before you drift off!