Find the Opportunity to Cultivate a Healthier Mindset

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 17:07

Have you ever felt like there is a low hanging cloud that follows you like a shadow? Do you go through stressful situations or feel like you are on the verge of giving up? Have you ever felt like you get annoyed when you see happy people? The main reason why most people do not get satisfied with their lives or themselves is attitude.

As the statement goes, life is too short, and it is even worse when you want to spend your life looking at the negative side of things. So take a day off from the office, free yourself a day if you're a freelancer, or ask for help with homework if you're a college student: here are some of the ways you can change your life around and lead a healthy life.


It means to incorporate positive vibes and actions that release the D.O.S.E mixture of chemicals in the brain. The chemicals by order consist of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. They are otherwise known as happy chemicals, and they are easily triggered.

When you incorporate the system of reward, you will trigger dopamine. To do this, you will need to come up with short term goals when you feel you are under a lot of stress. When you accomplish a task or something, you will naturally stimulate the release of dopamine from the brain, which will positively impact your general being and give you a sense of happiness.

Serotonin is associated with the feeling of self-belief and being optimistic at all times. It will drastically reduce when you feed yourself with negative thoughts of depression. By changing your mindset, you will change the chemical reactions in the brain.

Oxytocin is a chemical for relationships. When you grab someone and hug them tightly for some twenty seconds, creating and building trust in your relationship, your brain will release this chemical and calm you down.

Endorphins are chemicals that get released through sex, exercise, and laughing. It gets triggered when you get a high blood pumping rate and registers to the brain that you are in a fun mood. When you stretch and walk, you will feel better.

Avoid negatively looking at yourself and your peers

The feeling of guilt and regret are some of the emotions that wear most people down. Expectations from other people will run down your energy supply, and that will create rue and guilt within you.

You can create boundaries to avoid people shoving their businesses down your throat. People will only make you feel guilty if you provide them with a chance to do so. How you feel should be your doing.

Resentments from expectations are a no-go-zone

When you expect an outcome or stick to some past experiences, you will feel like the whole world is against you and you are fighting a lone battle. Don’t look down on yourself. You cannot be responsible for the millions of traumas that have occurred over the years you have lived. Instead of slouching, you can take affirmative action and work toward the healing process. The first step is forgiveness. You will feel better when you practice this maturity.

Accept change

Some people can handle change within themselves, their surroundings, or things well, while others do struggle to keep up. Some people will accept it in the first phases and get overwhelmed along the way.

Accept the fact that change is inevitable. The world we live in is dynamic, and that means we get destined to change as the days turn. When you alter your mindset about change and alterations, you find dealing with it becomes a healthy process down the road. Instead of viewing the change as fright or fear, why not take it as an adventure and enjoy the ride?

An example would be the kind of change most couples go through when pregnancy kicks in. it turns their lives upside down, and it gets accompanied by stressful times. They should embrace it and face it head-on.