New battery recycling scheme launched at Plympton Academy

Authored by ClareG
Posted: Saturday, March 9, 2019 - 13:54

A new battery recycling scheme has been launched at Plympton Academy.

It’s hoped students, parents and staff will recycle their batteries at
the school and not put them in the bin.

When batteries begin to rot away in landfill sites the chemicals leak
into the ground, which can cause soil and water pollution. When
chemicals contaminate soil and water, animals, humans and the
environment can be harmed.

There are many different types of batteries which can contain
dangerous chemicals including: lead, cadmium, zinc, lithium and even

More than 12,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions could be avoided if the UK
can meet its target of recycling at least 45% of batteries.

Hoping to help achieve this target are Plympton Academy students,
Joshua Tucker and Ethan Wilkes, both aged 12. They helped launched the
scheme recently.

“Most batteries are put into rubbish bins and then taken to landfill
sites,” they said.

“Recycling is a great way to help protect the environment. Each
battery placed in the recycling box will be taken apart and the
materials will be used to make something new,” they added.

Teacher Martin Edmonds said; “Plympton Academy students achieved the
Gold Award from the Woodland Trust last year and we are very keen to
continue and deepen our environmental activity."